With the arrival of autumn, the cooler weather is more suitable for coming outdoors with good friends to start a camping trip. Camping in the woods is one of life's simplest pleasures, especially in an increasingly interconnected and busy world. Just because you're in the woods doesn't mean you can't eat well. Camping meals aren't just marshmallows and hot dogs, either.
There are plenty of easy step-by-step but still delicious foods to take a camping trip to another level. Enjoy the breeze, chat with your friends, and enjoy the food. It's nice to watch the sun rise and set. So, we'll be putting together these camping recipes for you from breakfast to dinner. Enjoy the outdoors while filling your stomach.

Breakfast is best kept simple and the quick preparation process leaves you plenty of time to explore the natural beauty.
Mix one cup of flour (about 140g), half a cup of milk, and one egg into a batter. Put a small piece of butter in a pan, pour in the batter, and fry on the fire. Turn over every 30 seconds or so to evenly coat. Add your favorite toppings, both savory and sweet! Serve with honey, chocolate sauce, blueberries, cheese, bacon, and anything else you like.

All kinds of dried fruits and nuts can be thrown in to cook with the oats. Brown sugar can be added afterward according to preference. It is a breakfast that is especially in line with the essence of camping.
Lunch requires more ingredients and time. More food will make you feel more energetic.
1.Mexican Burrito
Bring burritos beforehand and place them on a pan to heat up. The filling inside can be chosen according to your preference. For example, cut your chicken breasts into bite-size portions and choose your choice of spices or marinades. Pick your favorite vegetables: squash, zucchini, onions, and peppers are all good choices. Finish with a sprinkling of cheese and sauce. I recommend the sriracha hot sauce, it makes everything taste great.
Simple enough, but surprisingly delicious. Curry is very easy to make and there are several practical ways: vegetables can have potatoes, onions, and tomatoes prepared. For meat, you can use chicken. And do not forget to prepare minced garlic. Before you leave, prepare the dish and cut up the meat and vegetables to encapsulate it. You can just start frying when you get to the camp, saving a lot of time and effort.
The spicy taste of curry is more suitable for the cool weather in early autumn. One more tip, adding coconut milk or Greek yogurt to the curry will make it thicker. It will also be full of creamy flavor. Hot food like this is popular for fall camping, and it's ready in no time!

It's finally dinner time, so let's get the campfire going! The most important meal of course should be prepared in abundance, and start a camping dinner party with friends.
Camping night can not do without a barbecue. Talking with friends while grilling is the most relaxing time of the trip. We recommend a gas grill, which is less likely to scorch or undercook food, easy to operate, and does not require plugging in electricity. There is no restriction on the ingredients of the barbecue, you can choose any food you like.

For example, pancetta, there are other pre-marinated chicken and beef in the supermarket. Very convenient, directly put on the grill pan can work. Grilled fish is also a good choice. Choose a fish that has been cleaned up in advance, make a few cuts on the back of the fish and start sprinkling the seasoning marinade. If you have a grill net, you can put the fish in the grill net, but if not, you can put it directly on the grill. Turn the fish while grilling, brush thinly with oil, and sprinkle more of the various seasonings until you see the surface of the fish begin to dry out and the flesh begins to shrink, then it is almost cooked.
Besides these, you can also roast corn or potatoes wrapped in tinfoil under the campfire. It doesn't need any seasoning and is still delicious. Dessert, of course, should be finished off with marshmallows, a must-have item for camping.
Essential equipment for camping dining
canopy tent: The best space for camping and dining. Able to shield from the weather elements, whether it's the hot summer sun or rain. Especially pop-up canopy with sides, not only can add privacy but also can keep warm in winter.

Cooler: camping time within 2 days, the general outdoor with a cooler can be, usually at least 1 day of refrigeration effect or have. The size depends on the amount of food that needs to be refrigerated.
Stove: It is recommended to use the general gas stove, the advantage is very convenient, the operation is also very easy. The disadvantage is, of course, the gas itself, the liquid gas in the gas tank at a lower temperature, it is very difficult to smoothly vaporize and burn. So if you are going camping in the mountains at higher altitudes, it is likely that there will be a lack of firepower.

Pots and utensils: A saucepan and pan will be sufficient. Tableware can choose biodegradable disposable tableware or heat-resistant plastic tableware that is easy to carry.
With these simple camping recipes, you won't have to worry about what to cook on your trip afterward. The important thing about camping is that family and friends enjoy time together, and no matter what the food is, it can be satisfying.