Once May started, the weather also became warmer. The warm soil is more suitable for growing more plants than in the previous months. It also makes it easier to grow rooted plants because the warm soil promotes nutrient absorption.

You should also know that many gardening stores have a fuller selection of seeds now of the year. This allows you to find more suitable ones to plant. So let's pick out the 10 best plants to plant this time of year based on the weather in May. And if you're interested in what to plant each month, don't miss our previous sections on planting in March and planting in April.

grandma with grand kid in the garden

(Grandma and granddaughter in the garden) 


Zucchini is high in vitamin C, glucose and calcium other nutrients. It is characterized by its fresh and crunchy taste and is suitable for a wide variety of cooking styles and can be combined with any ingredients to make dishes.

Growing conditions and care tips

Zucchini needs deep and fertile soil to grow. It is not only highly adaptable to temperature but also tolerates low temperatures. The proper temperature for seed germination is 82 to 90 °F, and will not germinate below 52 and above 104 °F.

When sowing the seeds, you need to place them half an inch deep in the soil and two inches apart. You need to fertilize once a week during planting and water daily to ensure good growth. Zucchini is usually harvested after 40 to 50 days of planting.

Zucchini can pre-bloom its first flowers if grown in an environment with adequate light. Stronger light is needed during the fruitful season, while low light and high temperatures are more likely to produce sweeter fruit.

Plant Zucchini



Pumpkin is one of the most common dishes on every family's dinner table. Pumpkins are the most popular product, especially before Halloween every year. Pumpkins are characterized by stems that often have roots at the nodes and sturdy petioles, prefer moist climates, and are extremely easy to cultivate.

Growing conditions and care tips

Before planting, you need to be aware that pumpkins are like a warm, light, moist environment. They tend to wilt in the summer if the sun is strong. The seeds germinate at a temperature of 77 to 90 °F and grow at a temperature of 65 to 90 °F. When sowing seeds you need one foot deep and at least four inches apart. Water at least once a week. Pumpkins can also be grown on vine mantles, so you can also install vine mantles on your raised garden bed.

Pumpkins can be harvested when the skin becomes hard and the exterior turns dark. Each pumpkin vine will bear one to three pumpkins, and generally, only the healthy one grows quickly. So save the strong one of each vine and pick the weak one to ensure the pumpkin grows.

Plant Pumpkin



Cucumber is a versatile fruit, yes that's right, cucumber is defined as a fruit. It contains a lot of water and is great both for dishes and for beauty purposes. Cucumbers prefer a warm, drought-intolerant, strong light growing environment.

Growing conditions and care tips

Cucumbers require deep, fertile, organic-rich, well-ventilated soil. The best temperature is 65-82 °F, below 50 °F it will stop growing, above 104 °F it will grow poorly.

There are two methods of sowing cucumbers. The first is to put the seeds in warm water and soak them for about 10 hours. The seeds are then fished out and wrapped in wet gauze and placed at about 75 °F to germinate, and sown when half of them begin to sprout white. This is the fastest way to germinate.

The second is to plant the seeds directly at a depth of one inch, 5 inches apart. After that, a thin layer of soil is applied and then slightly sprayed with moisture. About three or four days later, the seedlings will emerge one after another. Usually within 2 months, the plants will flower and fruit for harvesting. Note that to avoid damage to the seedlings, it is best to use a support frame to keep them growing safely.

Plant Cucumber



Cabbage has the appearance of layers wrapped into a spherical body, usually creamy white or light green. It contains high amounts of vitamin C, fiber, carbohydrates, and various minerals. It is a leafy vegetable that is both hardy and heat resistant.

Growing conditions and care tips

Cabbage can be grown directly outdoors in May. Bury the seeds shallowly in the soil, preferably 10 inches apart each, considering the size of the cabbage as it matures. Water back and forth with a sprinkler to keep the soil completely moist. It is best to water every three days while it is growing. Cabbage is relatively easy to grow and only needs two fertilizers for healthy growth. It is ready to be harvested when it reaches more than 80 days old.

Plant Cabbage



Spinach contains high water levels, vitamins, carotenoids, iron, and other substances. It is one of the highly nutritious vegetables, which, together with its hardiness, makes it one of the must-grow vegetables for gardening enthusiasts everywhere.

Growing conditions and care tips

Spinach seeds can germinate even at 40 °F. The optimum growing temperature is 50 to 68 °F. Spinach is well adapted to the soil, but more fertile and moist soil is still preferred.

Spinach can also be germinated by soaking the seeds, or by direct sowing at 10-inch intervals. It will more readily bloom in prolonged sunlight. It also requires a high level of water and needs to be watered regularly to keep it moist. Finally, when the spinach grows to 4 inches or more, it can be harvested in batches. You can use some fertilizer after each harvest so that the remaining weaker-growing spinach will also grow up soon.

Plant Spinach



The roots of beets contain a large amount of the components that give them their distinctive color. It also has a high sugar content and is rich in vitamin A as well as high amounts of potassium. This crop prefers warm climates and is hardy. It is better suited to organic matter and prefers well-drained soil.

Growing conditions and care tips

Beets are slow to germinate and can be soaked in advance to promote germination. When sowing seeds, space them at least 12 inches apart and then sow the seeds one inch deep into the soil.

After sowing, cover with soil and water. It needs plenty of water and full sunlight to grow, and mulch is a great helper for beet growth. Adding mulch after sowing will keep heat in to promote germination and keep pests out afterward. Beets will be fully ripe for picking within two months.

Plant Beet



Cornflower has grayish-white stem branches that are about 10 to 25 inches tall. It produces beautiful blue flowers in the summer. In England, single men like to wear it as a lapel flower in their suits. Thus, cornflowers are also known as bachelor's buttons, and this flower is very easy to grow, making it ideal for beginners.

Growing conditions and care tips

Cornflower is more adaptable, like full sun, and more hardy. Must be planted in a sunny, well-drained place, otherwise often due to shade and humidity and death. Suitable for fertile, loose sandy soil. Watering once a day is sufficient, but in summer when it is dry, water once in the morning and once in the evening.

Sow seeds 11 inches apart in moist soil, then cover with soil. Cover with a layer of mulch and water well to keep the soil moist. After planting in May, you can get beautiful flowers as early as July.

Plant Cornflower



The flowers of Verbena are small and sparse, preferring a warm climate. It is not hardy to cold and does not require strict soil, just well drained. It is not only suitable for the garden but is also a great plant for pots. Among the many types of verbena, Aloysia citrodora is a lemon-scented variety that can be used for flavoring and fragrance.

Growing conditions and care tips

Seeds should be sown at a spacing of 4 inches. Then cover with a thin layer of soil and press down gently with your hands. The temperature should be maintained between 68 and 75 °F and the environment should not be too dry. Spray frequently in the summer to lower the ambient temperature provided the soil is well drained. Under these conditions, small shoots can be sent out in about 10 to 15 days.

Also, frequent weeding is needed so that weeds do not absorb the plant's nutrients. Usually, wait until July to harvest a lush garden.




Nasturtiums is a very colorful flower that comes in fuchsia, orange, and creamy yellow. It is also a companion plant for cabbage and pumpkin, which can attract pests away from the crop. The growing temperature is 65 to 75 °F.

Growing conditions and care tips

It does not bloom easily in the summer heat and growth is inhibited in high temperatures over 95 °F. Needs moist soil but not ponding water, and should be watered daily in summer and sprayed on the foliage in the evening to maintain humidity.

After sowing, the seeds need to be watered and kept moist and will germinate in about 7 days. We keep Nasturtiums in a position with more than 6-8 hours of direct light per day, then they will bloom faster. Nasturtiums are an annual plant, so it does not need much pruning. Simply cut back any diseased, yellowed, or fallen leaves or stems during its growing season. This will help to keep the plant away from pathogenic infections.




Lavender is a purple flower with a special fragrance. It can be used with essential oils, perfumes, etc. It is a category that receives wide love. Lavender is highly adaptable. The adult plants are tolerant of both low temperatures and high temperatures.

Growing conditions and care tips 

Lavender is a plant that prefers dryness and requires little water. It needs long sunlight and plants that are stunted and age faster if they are in a shady, wet environment. Lavender does not like to have water stagnation in the roots often. After each watering, you should wait until the soil is dry before giving water.

Lavender has a well-developed root system and prefers fertile soil that is loose, well-ventilated, and rich in silica and calcium. Also, as its seeds are small, it is best to germinate them first. The germinated seeds are placed directly on the soil surface and covered with a layer of fine soil. Water the seeds thoroughly once after sowing.

Plant Lavender



If you live in Zone 2 or Zone 3, it may not be warm enough to grow certain plants right now. But you can use specific gardening products or methods to help you. For example, a portable greenhouse can be a great way to help keep plants warm.

Of course, it is also a common method to allow plants to germinate in a warm indoor environment before moving them outdoors. Don't worry about your May garden, follow our recommended plants and methods to create your moment this month!

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