Spring has officially begun. The weather in March starts to gradually become warmer and the wind becomes softer. If you want to know what to plant in March. This is the perfect time to plant a variety of flowers, vegetables, herbs, and fruits.
As the days get longer, the soil starts to warm up. This makes it an ideal time to plant early spring crops. Planting in March also allows for early pest control. You can get a head start on pests before they become a serious problem later in the growing season.
Starting your planting in March has another benefit, and it means you have a longer period. Whether it's to improve yields or the opportunity to experiment with different crop varieties.

(March garden)
Weather in central and south Texas in March
The climate of southern Texas is diverse. Summers are hot and muggy, winters are short and cool, and there are clouds for part of the year. The central part of Texas has hot summers and dry winters. The rest of the state, including the Basin and High Plains, has an arid, subtropical climate with unusual summer precipitation.
According to weather.com, March weather in South Texas is mostly cloudy. The average high temperature is 72 °F and the low is 53 °F. The weather in Central Texas in March averages a high of 60 °F and a low of 46 °F.

Texas soil types
Texas is in the southwest of the United States. In the previous article on soil types, it was mentioned that the soil types in the southwest are Alfisols, Aridisols, Entisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, and Vertisols. The best agricultural soils in Texas are mollisols, which are characterized by a thick, dark topsoil layer rich in organic matter.
What to plant in March?
Central Texas
Central Texas gardening lovers, here's a planting list just for you. Herbs, vegetables, and flowers are included, so get ready to start gardening in central Texas.
- Beans. Some common bean varieties that can be grown in Central Texas include pinto beans, navy beans, black beans, and kidney beans. To grow beans you need a sunnier location.Temperatures in Central are not as high as in the South, and beans grow best at temperatures above 60 ºF. So you can also use an indoor greenhouse to grow them inside the house. If the soil does not drain well, you can add compost or organic matter to improve the quality of the soil. As bean plants grow, they will need support to keep them from falling over. You can use a trellis or stakes to support the plants.
- Peppers. You need to plant peppers about two weeks after the last frost date, which in Central Texas is right around the middle to early March. Peppers need to be placed in 6 to 8 inches of soil and need to be composted. Unlike beans, peppers are susceptible to a range of pests and diseases such as aphids, spider mites, and bacterial spots. You will need to monitor your plants regularly for signs of damage or disease.
- Radishes. This is a very easy vegetable to grow and most radishes will grow within a month. Radish seeds should be planted in rows about 1/2 inch deep and 1 inch wide, in rows about 6 inches apart. Water the soil thoroughly after planting to help the seeds germinate. Gently pull up the tops of them at harvest and remove any excess soil before storing them in the refrigerator.
- Tomatoes. Tomatoes are perfect for planting in March. Although tomatoes need plenty of sun if it is too hot, they usually will not bloom and fruit. Tomatoes, like beans, will need a stand later in the season to support growth.

(Vegetables suitable for growing in Central Texas in March)
- Nasturtiums. This flower has a bright appearance and comes in orange, yellow, and red colors. The best part is that the flowers and leaves are edible and can be served with salads or cake garnishes. Thrives in cool weather. Needs deep watering once or twice a week, depending on the weather.
- Snapdragons. It is an easy flower to grow and prefers cool, moist soil. When planting seeds, place them about 1/8 inch deep and 6-8 inches apart. Lightly water the soil and cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Snapdragons will be in bloom all season, so you can cut off the spent flowers to encourage new shoots.
- Marigolds. This is a very hardy flower that can endure heat and high temperatures. Unlike the snapdragons, it is easy to get sick when planted in moist soil. There is no need to fertilize during the growing period.
- Narcissus. Prepare loose, airy, nutritious humus soil and plant the bulbs in it to a depth of about an inch or so. They can also be planted directly by hydroponics, which is maintenance-free.

(Flowers suitable for planting in March in Central Texas)
- Oregano.Can be grown either in the backyard or in indoor pots. It likes the sun and warm soil, so it does not require frequent watering. Plants should be spaced 8 to 10 inches apart.
- Thyme. Hardy and easy to grow, and can be planted after the frost has passed. It can be planted from seed or seedlings. When planting, they need to be planted about 12 inches apart. Prune thyme to prevent it from becoming overstaffed and to encourage new growth. Prune about one-third of the way back in early spring.
- Rosemary.Needs to be planted two to three inches apart. And it needs to be fed regularly with water-soluble plant food to promote growth. It is best to plant rosemary in raised garden beds or containers to ensure good drainage and prevent root rot.
- Parsley. It is very hardy, so it does not need a lot of watering. Parsley does not need a lot of fertilizer, too much fertilizer will result in leafy growth and poor flavor. Simply cut off the leaves at harvest time and let the center continue to grow.

(Herbs suitable for planting in March in Central Texas)
South Texas
The weather in south Texas is hotter than in central Texas and has sandy soil. This results in different plants being available in March than in central Texas.
- Corn. Spring comes earlier in south Texas compared to central Texas, so corn is ready for planting in late February to mid-March. It will be ready for harvest by mid-July. Planting requires about 1.5 to 2 inches deep and 2 to 4 inches apart. The hot weather in the south requires more watering.
- Eggplant. The abundant sunlight in the south gives eggplant an ideal growing environment. It will grow quickly between 70 and 90 ºF. You need to dig 6 inches deep and 18 inches apart when sowing seeds. When the eggplant reaches 6 to 8 inches, it is time to harvest.
- Peas. This is a vegetable with a short growing cycle. Before planting peas you can soak the seeds in water one night in advance. After that sow the seeds one inch deep and two inches apart. They will be ready for harvest in two months.

(Vegetables for March in South Texas)
- Sunflowers. In the south, the best growing season for sunflowers is from mid-March to April, and they will bloom in June. Seeds need to be sown two inches deep and six inches apart. Fertilizers with nitrogen content can be selected to increase the height of sunflowers.
- Cosmos. This is a flower that loves the heat. It can grow even in dry weather in the south. Simply bury the seeds shallowly in the soil and space them at least 10 inches apart. Since it will show itself and become bushy, it needs to be watched and pruned regularly.
- Geraniums. It can be grown in the south in both summer and winter. Regular fertilization is required during the growing season. Use a balanced fertilizer every four to six weeks. To promote growth, periodically pinch back the tips of the stems and remove any dead or damaged leaves.

(Flowers for March in South Texas)
March gardening checklist
Although the weather is different in the center and the south, some gardening basics are the same. Having this March gardening checklist will help you be prepared for anything.
- Full sunlight, most vegetables need 6 to 8 hours of sunlight to grow well.
- Good quality soil, well-drained and rich in organic matter, is best. Compost or other organic matter can be added to improve the quality of the soil.
- Choose the right varieties and look for seeds and seedlings that are suitable for the local growing area and climate.
- Test soil pH. Too acidic or too alkaline soil is an important factor limiting plant growth and quality. So, it is very important to know the pH and moisture level of the soil. The optimum pH range for most plants is between 5.5 and 7.0
- Watch out for pests, as various pests will come with the arrival of spring. So be prepared with insecticide spray.
- Regular pruning helps maintain the shape and size of your plants and promotes healthy growth. Be sure to remove any dead or diseased branches to prevent the spread of disease.
- Water properly. Texas can have long periods of hot and dry weather, so water your plants regularly and thoroughly to help them withstand the heat. Avoid getting water on the leaves of your plants, as this may promote the growth of fungal diseases.
(Quictent greenhouse)
After telling you about the right plants, soil preparation, watering techniques, and future weather. You can enjoy a thriving and healthy garden throughout the growing season in Texas.
So grab your gardening gloves and get started! Whether you're an experienced gardener or a beginner, there's no better time to cultivate your green garden than March. Happy planting!