Memorial Day is coming up, a holiday that focuses on paying tribute to fallen soldiers. The holiday falls on the last Monday of May. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day, and volunteers place an American flag on military graves at national cemeteries. Memorial Day is also considered the unofficial start of summer in the United States. I'm sure we all look forward to Memorial Day weekend, as it represents backyard barbecues and summer beer parties. But while having fun with the holiday, we can't forget the purpose of the holiday: to honor the brave people who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Make a plan to do difference on this day. If you have children, it's a chance for them to gain a new understanding of the holiday. And a way for you and your family to slow down, understand and honor the history. Next, follow these meaningful activities to help you achieve the purpose of remembrance.

Memorial Day

Take time to enjoy nature

Since this holiday also represents the beginning of summer, why not take the opportunity to relax in nature? It's also a good opportunity to get some exercise. There are 4,300 campgrounds and over 1,600 state parks across the United States. And countless natural landscapes await your visit. Bringing your family outdoors to a whole new environment this long weekend can be a relaxing experience. Whether it's camping or a picnic in one of these iconic landscapes. Use a canopy tent to help insulate you from the hot sun and annoying mosquitoes, so you can enjoy a more wonderful trip to nature. While you are enjoying the view, take a moment to think about the sacrifices that have been made to bring back the peace we have today. This way you will have a deeper appreciation of Memorial Day.

nature hiking


Military-related movie nights

Family movie night is also a very cozy way to spend the day. Movie nights can also be held outdoors under the protection of mesh tent.Choose a movie that is military-related. We can get a glimpse of the war and the course of history from these movies. I believe we can all appreciate the different meanings in the movies. It is important to note that if there are children in the audience, you should consider the appropriateness of the film's rating. You should choose a PG-13 or a movie that does not have a lot of bloody and violent images.

backyard movie night


The following is a list of recommended military movies, please choose according to the situation: "Saving Private Ryan", "Dunkirk", "Flags of Our Fathers", "The Best Years of Our Lives", "We Were Soldiers".

Become a volunteer

One meaningful way to honor the soldiers on this day is to give a few hours of your time as a volunteer. Believe me, they need this help. There are many volunteer opportunities available for you. For example, sending care packages to troops overseas. And there are Memorial Day parades all over the place and you can help out at one.



Or volunteer at a local veterans' cemetery, where the job might be to help run the grounds and place flowers and flags at the cemetery. Likewise, a visit to a local veterans' facility is a great way to help. The service they gave and the harm they suffered during their time in the military are equally worthy of respect. If it's really hard for you to find the time to be there to volunteer. You can also contact the Veterans Foundation to donate. This you can show your respect and condolences.

Create a Memorial Day poppy

On Memorial Day, people usually pin red poppies on their chests, hats, or bags. The poppy is a symbol of fallen soldiers thanks to the poem "On the Battlefield of Flanders." At the same time, the red poppy symbolizes resilience. This brightly colored flower yet has the tenacity to bloom on the desolate battlefield. Therefore, the red poppy is strongly symbolic and commemorative. It's also a great educational opportunity if you have children. There are many tutorials on the web about making your red poppy pin.

red poppy

Watch Memorial Day concert or parade

Each year at PBS, a Memorial Day concert is held that includes musical performances, documentary footage, and theatrical readings commemorating military service. The National Memorial Day Concert premieres on the Sunday night before Memorial Day. That's May 28. Most radio stations broadcast the concert at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. 2023 will still feature Joe Mantegna, Gary Sinise and Jean Smart, Craig Morgan, and more. Besides the concerts, there will be parades in different areas. You can bring your family and friends along to cheer the band on. During the parade, show respect and gratitude to the veterans that walk by. Take off your hat as they pass by. Explain to your children why we respect the flag.

Memorial Day Concert

Final Thoughts

Memorial Day exists to allow us to remember those who have died and to appreciate those who are still serving this country. In addition to being a holiday for families to get together and enjoy delicious food and beer, it is also a way for us to express our condolences. No one wants to be forgotten, and paying tribute to those who have given their lives for our country means we haven't forgotten them. Think about what Memorial Day represents while enjoying the sunshine this coming long weekend.

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