pet-friendly garden

Since its release in 2016, November 12th through November 18th is Human Animal Relationship Awareness Week. This holiday exists to draw attention to the animals around us and to improve their lives by increasing knowledge about them.

In response to Human Animal Relationship Awareness Week and so pet owners can be better informed about the health and safety of their pets. We've compiled a list of plants that are safe for cats and dogs! It's a great way to keep your pets safe without having to give up your gardening hobby.

Plants safe for cats

Cats are easily attracted to all kinds of plants, but there are many toxic plants for them, and you need to be careful to avoid plants that are harmful to cats. Instead, the following plants are safe for cats and will satisfy their fussy needs.

Plants safe for cats

(Plants safe for cats) 


Catnip is a harmless plant for cats. This minty herb gives cats a euphoric feeling when sniffed or eaten. It is a safe indoor plant for cats.

Cat grass

This is the perfect plant for cats, easy-to-grow wheatgrass and oatgrass provide fiber and aid in digestion. It will help your cat to expel the hair from its body. Also suitable for indoor potting.

Spider plant

This plant has slender leaves and white flowers. They are adaptable and easy to care for. It can be grown in a bright indoor location or a partially shaded area. Even better, it has air-purifying properties, so it's perfect for growing indoors.


For novice growers, succulents are the easiest option. They require little maintenance and can be grown indoors and outdoors. Most succulents are harmless to cats, but some of these categories are not.

Aloe, Euphorbia, Jade, Kalanchoe, Senecio, and Cactus are not cat-friendly succulents. You need to be aware of their categories when purchasing.

Safe Plants for cats

(Safe plants for cats) 

Boston Fern

The Boston Fern is a variant of the fern that is extremely adaptable. It also requires low maintenance and adds humidity to the room, making it suitable for anyone who spends a lot of time indoors.

Money Tree

This plant with its cute name and appearance is usually a few feet tall. Money trees have rounded leaves and upright stems. They are suitable for a bright indoor location, but avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Requires regular light and deep watering.

Cat safe flowers

African Violet

With delicate purple flowers, it can be displayed on a windowsill or desk. Beautiful to look at and harmless to cats at the same time. This flower prefers a warm environment, so it is best to provide 6 hours of sunlight a day. Wait until the soil in the pot is dry before watering.


This most popular flower with many colors is non-toxic to cats. If you need to visit a home with pets, roses would be a classic choice. But remember to take care of the thorns on the stems to avoid injuring your pet.


With its white flowers and fresh fragrance, it is the most common aromatic potted plant. But there is another plant easily confused with jasmine called Carolina Jasmine, which is poisonous to most animals. This flower is yellow, so you need to distinguish it when purchasing.

Cat safe flowers

(Cat safe flowers)


A simple bouquet of sunflowers can accent your home with warm colors. Sunflowers need full sun and can be watered every three days.


Mostly purple on the outside and will have small white flowers in the center. It is a flower that represents friendship, loves light, and is drought-tolerant. It is one of the easiest flowers to grow and is also a good variety to make into dried flowers.

Plants safe for dogs

We all know that puppies love to sneak treats when their owners aren't looking. That's why you need to be careful when picking and growing plants to focus on dog-friendly edibles.


This spice that is commonly used in cooking can also be a great houseplant. Not only is it non-toxic to dogs, but it also can give off an herbal scent. Best of all, you can always cut it to add flavor to your dishes.


Hypoestes is a perennial evergreen herb. It comes in a wide variety of pink, white, and red colors. Often the size of a palm and colorful, these plants are perfect for decorating your home. It does not require much maintenance, but it does need proper light.

Plants safe for dogs

(Plants safe for dogs)

Areca palms

The stem of the plant's root is similar to bamboo. Needs a lot of light so it is recommended to be placed in a sunny place. It is a larger size plant for outdoor or living room. It can also effectively absorb harmful substances in the air.

Ponytail palm

Branches and leaves, strong roots. A very hardy tropical plant. Can be grown indoors and outdoors, plus the drought tolerance is great for novice growers.


Like rosemary, it is herbaceous. It will give off a light lemon or spicy scent. It's good for foods like soup or bread.

Dog safe flowers


This flower comes in purple, blue, light red, and white. It can be started six to eight weeks before the last frost and takes about 80 days from seed to bloom. This hardy flower is suitable for growing outdoors.


This flower has a very delicate appearance and is non-toxic to both dogs and cats. Camellias come in red, pink, and white and are perfect for adding bright color to your home. They prefer a shady spot, good loamy soil, and moderate moisture.


Very cute flowers that look like strings of bells hanging together. Because they are hardy plants, they thrive in cooler weather. In rich soil and full sun, many spikes of many colors will bloom.

Dog safe flowers

(Dog safe flowers)


The scent of this flower is rather pungent, but it is harmless to pets and even acts as an insect repellent in the garden. Marigold is easy to grow and prefers sunlight, fertile soil, and moisture.


Hibiscus can thrive in a variety of harsh conditions including drought, humidity, hot summers, and cold winters. And produce colorful flowers, but one type of hibiscus called Rose of Sharon is poisonous to dogs.

How to create a pet-friendly garden

To give your pets a garden where they can play freely, here are a few tips to make the process easier.

  • Besides the above-suggested plants and flowers to grow, you can also search if your favorite plants are pet-safe.
  • For indoor planting, you can opt for the indoor greenhouse to ensure the temperature for the plants to grow.
  • If there are some plants that you don't want your pet to touch, such as roses and other flowers with thorns, a Raised garden bed with cover can help you protect the plants while you don't have to bend down to plant them.
Raised garden bed with cover
(Raised garden bed with cover)
  • Start with hardy plants that are easy to grow and don't require time-consuming care to get a lush garden.
  • If you need to use fertilizer, choose a pet-friendly fertilizer or store it out of their reach.
  • For plants that need to be dewormed regularly, you can use a natural dewormer to keep your garden clean and healthy.

Adding some pet-safe plants to your home or backyard not only adds a natural touch but also enriches the lives of your pets. It's a gardening pursuit that offers many benefits and strengthens the human-animal bond.

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