How to Use a Portable Greenhouse to Grow Vegetables


Measure out your Portable greenhouse beds space. Check if you have enough space out all the summer greenhouse crops you plan to grow;

Benches should provide plenty of space for seedlings. Many seedlings will be moved outside when it is time for summer greenhouse crops;

A catch crop of salad leaves can be sown in portable greenhouse borders before the space is needed for summer greenhouse crops.

Sowing seed indoors

Use clean pots and trays. Also, use fresh, peat-free seed or multipurpose compost;

Follow instructions on the seed packet;

Seeds will germinate on a sunny windowsill indoors. They also love a heated propagator unit in the greenhouse.

Growing on

Once germinated, seedlings will need somewhere light and frost-free to grow on. An unheated greenhouse may not be sufficiently warm until April;

Consider fleecing and heating a partitioned section of your greenhouse. It is helpful to make a suitable environment for growing on tender plants;

Watch weather forecasts. Then you can protect young plants with fleece on frosty nights or provide supplementary heating when needed.

15x7 portable greenhouse


Plant protected crops into their final positions once they are sturdy and well-rooted;

Plant into greenhouse borders, containers or growing bags;

Ensure climbing plants have sufficient support. And tie cordon tomatoes into strings or canes. Here means cucumbers and melons.

Summer maintenance

Check watering daily.Uneven watering can result in problems such as blossom end rot in tomatoes;

Ventilate greenhouses on warm days by opening doors and vents;

For warmth-loving okra and cucumbers, vents can be kept closed.  However, humidity must be raised by damping down. Alternatively, partition off a section of the greenhouse with fleece or clear plastic;

Some shading will be necessary. It is best to add this gradually, as it will initially reduce growth

Hang yellow sticky traps to provide early warning of pests. Biological controls can then be ordered promptly;

Winter maintenance

Keep structures, especially glazing, clean;

Bubble wrap is sufficient for many structures;

When heated plastic greenhouses, ensure a thermostat is working to maintain a minimum night-time temperature;

Invest in a  thermometer to monitor conditions.

March 11, 2016Permalink